A few hours ago, Brooke from Velvet and Linen did a wonderful post about kictchen hoods.
Brooke's husband designed some fabulous kitchen hoods as these here below!

Image Velvet and Linen

I know it's not that evident to design a kitchen hood! The hood needs at first to fit the style of the kitchen, proportions have to be exact, not only estheticaly, but also the practical proportions of the cooker hood are very important.
So I was so excited about her post today, that I wanted to give Brooke and all of you , some images in return about kitchen hoods that are designed by our company and by other Belgian interior architects.

Image unknown
Image Costermans Villaprojecten www.costermans-projecten.be
Image Costermans Villaprojecten www.costermans-projecten.be
Have a nice weekend,
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