Yesterday afternoon, while my son Anthony was studying for his Christmas examinations, Jan and I decorated our Christmas tree. With some Christmas carols as background music , it was a very nice afternoon!So we placed our tree in the dining room because this room is situated between the kitchen and the sitting area. We can enjoy the Christmas tree sitting in the kitchen and even sitting in the living room as well.
Here (picture above) I am standing in the kitchen looking at the dining room. The double door you see, is the door towards the sitting area. (For some reason the picture is not of a good quality, sorry for that!)
This (picture above) is the view from the sitting area towards the dining room. The double door you see here is the one to the kitchen.
The tree is waiting for the Christmas gifts I have to buy the coming days!
I love my Christmas decoration ornaments. Some of them I have been decorating with for years now.
Here you can see some of my favorites.
I love this Santa face!!
Another Santa I have since many years.
A collection of little bears.

My mum made these hand-sewed little pillows with the first letter of our name on it.
The "R" from Ralph ( our dog).
The "J" from Jan.And this beautiful glitter peace sign ornament I was sent from Monika from the Splendid Willow blog. Thank you Monika!
These sacs are also made by my mum!Aren't they cute?
These Santas are my favorites!!
I putted them on the mantel piece of our orangery.
This white beard is hanging on a door handle. .
I know I adore Santas! I can't help!
Hope you loved my Christmas decoration.
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