Orangery redo – Part III & Gardening Belgian Style at Providence Ltd.



First of all a huge thank to my friend Mona of the beautiful blog PROVIDENCE LTD. for posting an interview with me about the Belgian style of gardening! Mona has put a lot of work in this post! Thank you so much Mona for asking me to talk about this subject! I really feel honoured!


If you are interested in this interview, please click on the Providence Ltd. logo.  header_new8

Our garden Our garden (picture of last year).




Today a quick post about the process of our orangery redo. For those who haven’t read Part I & II and want to know more about it, please click here (Part I) and here (Part II).

Part II ended with the plaster coat.


The painters started to paint the plaster coat a first time, as you can see here.



And the day after it looked as this.


After our painter R. had made us some samples to be able to choose the right finishing patina…



…he moved on with the finishing and of course the most important part!!

The application of the final and definitive patina!!!



Our lovely painter, B. was giving the lightswitches and plates the suitable paint color.

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A final check up with the chosen upholstery fabrics.

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And here you can see the result! Jan and me are really excited about it!

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We are really happy with the patina that matches, in an excellent way, the stone of our chimney piece.


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A huge thank to the painters R. and B. for their incredible effort to finish our orangery room according our wishes! 

Thank you guys, you are the best! You can be very proud of your job!


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The orangery is awaiting to be furnished!




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