Casa campestre rustica, tipicamente Saboyana y francesa.
En una zona montanosa de Saboya, y con las montanas como fondo, se emplaza esta tipica cabana tipo chalet, en estilo rustico, construida en maderas nobles y respetando el medio.
Toda la estructura es de gruesos maderos y se ha dejado intacta como tambien la escalera central.

Este lodge esta ubicado en Agen, Francia y ha sido remodelado en un estilo rustico adaptado a la epoca actual.
Original del siglo XIII, la construccion esta convertida en un pequeno lodge de calidad.

A sneak peek
Dear readers, I want to thank you for all of your sweet comments and received emails on my post about Mango! I was so surprised and deeply touched by your lovely and supporting words. Thank you so much!
A few weeks ago I posted about one of the latest LEFEVRE INTERIORS’ projects we were working on HERE. The project is almost finished and yesterday we were very busy hanging draperies. We are not finished yet but I do hope that one of the next days I will be able to post a few ‘after’ pictures of the finished project on my blog.
Today I will give you yet a sneak peek into the room.
Lefèvre Interiors After (Photo by me)
I wish everyone of you a wonderful weekend! And thank you again for following my blog and being so interested in my posts! I so appreciate it!!