Eye-catching interiors

Always searching for the right inspiring pictures to present at my client, my experience is that there are some pictures in my files which always catch my attention!
So that's why I want to show you some of them and maybe one of these will be an eye-catcher to you.

Neutral colours.

The red colour of the seatfabric in an almost white surrounding. So peaceful.
Image Alexandra Siebelink
That seat!!!

Wonderful combination ! The colour of the sofa, the antique vases and the cabinet are all of a kind.

Image Alexandra Siebelink

The peaceful modern painting above an antique table.

Again these beautiful chairs.

I feel as being in the dining room of a castle!

A big kitchentable with a combination of different chairs. Why not?

I love all of it!

Love the chairs!

So inviting to take a seat!

Meditating room

The colour and the pattern of the walnut paneling and cabinetry add warmth to this room.

I feel Autumn in here!

The seat, the footstool and that wine table!

My eyes are always first focused on that dining room and in slow motion they come back to the foreground of the image.

This could be my future office!!!

The big fire place, the beautiful chandelier, the grey tones,...

Natural materials used here as brick for walls and floor and the linen fabric for the sofa.

This was the inspiring picture for my own library at home.

Bringing in a vivid colour.

The warmth of the oak paneling and matching colours for the curtains , the seat and the floor.

Dark colours for the furniture and the beige linen for the sofa.

Beautiful wooden table on the brick floor and the shape of the steel windows!

I wonder which images you will pick out?
Source for the unknown source of some of the images.

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